Polarimetric Scattering Database for Non-spherical Ice Particles at Microwave Wavelengths


The atmospheric science community has entered a period in which radiative scattering properties in the microwave of realistically constructed ice particles are necessary for making progress on a number of fronts. Ice scattering properties are needed to construct forward operators to simulate microwave remote sensing observation signals from ice- and mixed-phase cloudy regions. These operators are needed for retrieval of ice-particle properties from ground-, airborne- and satellite-based radar and radiometer observations, evaluation of model microphysics, and data assimilation applications. Over the past decade investigators have developed databases of ice-particle scattering properties in the microwave and made them openly available. Motivated by, and complementing these earlier efforts, a database containing polarimetric single-scattering properties of various types of ice particles at millimeter to centimeter wavelengths is presented. This database is complementary to earlier ones in that it contains complete (polarimetric) scattering property information for each ice particle - 44 plates, 30 columns, 405 branched planar crystals, 660 aggregates, and 640 conical graupel - and direction of incident radiation but is limited to four frequencies (W-, Ka-, Ku- and X-bands), does not include temperature dependencies of the single-scattering properties and does not include scattering properties averaged over randomly oriented ice particles. Rules for constructing the morphologies of ice particles from one database to the next often differ; consequently, analyses that incorporate all of the different databases will contain the most variability, while illuminating important differences between them.
Metadata Creator:
Name: Eugene Clothiaux
Email: eec3@psu.edu Phone: (814) 865-2915
Street: 503 Walker Building City: University Park
State: PA Postal: 16802
Contact Info:
Name: Kultegin Aydin
Email: k-aydin@psu.edu Phone: 814-863-2788
Street: 129 Electrical Engineering East City: University Park
State: PA Postal: 16802
Investigator(s): Kultegin Aydin
Johannes Verlinde
Eugene Clothiaux
Yinghui Lu
Zhiyuan Jiang
Giovanni Botta
Related Publications/References:
In Progress: "A Polarimetric Scattering Database for Non-spherical Ice Particles at Microwave Wavelengths" to be submitted to a peer-review journal. Currently have a working draft and hope to get this submitted soon after the database goes public.
In Progress: "Technical Report: A Polarimetric Scattering Database for Non-spherical Ice Particles at Microwave Wavelengths" to accompany the peer-review journal article. The Technical Report will contain the myriads of details necessary to understand the database that are not suitable for peer-review publication. The Technical Report is finished and undergoing final corrections and will be ready for distribution soon after the database goes public. We hope to distribute the Technical Report from the DOE ARM PI Product web pages that host the database itself.
Data Format: NetCDF Version 4
Data Volume: Database is currently just under 1 TB and with additions can come to exceed it.
File Naming Convention: Three types of files names for each of 1) aggregates, 2) branched planar crystals, 3) plates, 4) columns and 5) conical graupel. Example names for aggregates are: 1) psuaydinetal_aggregate_particle-index_type_size_realization_frequency_scattering-geometry_GMM; 2) psuaydinetal_geometry_aggregate_index_GMM; 3) psuaydinetal_aggregates_scattering-geometry_GMM . All have the .nc file extension and all are extensively documented in the technical report.
Directory Organization: Need a top level directory for the database with a name along the lines psuaydinetal_scattering database. We will need subdirectories titled as 1) aggregates, 2) branched planar crystals, 3) plates, 4) columns and 5) conicall graupel. In each of these directories we will need three subdirectories corresponding to 1) full scattering matrices, 2) reduced size files, 3) particle geometry files . We are completely flexible here and will go with what you recommend to us.
Abstract: The atmospheric science community has entered a period in which radiative scattering properties in the microwave of realistically constructed ice particles are necessary for making progress on a number of fronts. Ice scattering properties are needed to construct forward operators to simulate microwave remote sensing observation signals from ice- and mixed-phase cloudy regions. These operators are needed for retrieval of ice-particle properties from ground-, airborne- and satellite-based radar and radiometer observations, evaluation of model microphysics, and data assimilation applications. Over the past decade investigators have developed databases of ice-particle scattering properties in the microwave and made them openly available. Motivated by, and complementing these earlier efforts, a database containing polarimetric single-scattering properties of various types of ice particles at millimeter to centimeter wavelengths is presented. This database is complementary to earlier ones in that it contains complete (polarimetric) scattering property information for each ice particle - 44 plates, 30 columns, 405 branched planar crystals, 660 aggregates, and 640 conical graupel - and direction of incident radiation but is limited to four frequencies (W-, Ka-, Ku- and X-bands), does not include temperature dependencies of the single-scattering properties and does not include scattering properties averaged over randomly oriented ice particles. Rules for constructing the morphologies of ice particles from one database to the next often differ; consequently, analyses that incorporate all of the different databases will contain the most variability, while illuminating important differences between them.
Purpose: The data were not collected but rather generated from extensive theoretical ice particle scattering calculations. The value of these calculations are explained in the first paragraph above. Concisely put, the database has value in interpreting microwave active and passive remote sensing measurements necessary in retrieval work, model evaluation and data assimilation.
Data Usage: Scattering properties will be extracted from the files and then used in forward models for model evaluation and data assimilation and also to interpret (or retrieve) ice microphysical information from radar and radiometer measurements.
Data Credit: National Science Foundation
Arm Sites: osc
Content Time Range: Begin: n/a End: n/a
Data Type: research data - External funding
Scientific Measurements(s):
Measurement name Variables
ice particle scattering properties, including polarimetric information Technical document contains detailed information about the variables provided in each file.
Data Quality:
Attribute Accuracy: No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted because the attributes associated with each calculation were exact and provided as such.
Positional Accuracy: Not applicable
Consistency and Completeness Report: There are no bad values in the database because they are the results of theoretical calculations that have been analyzed for correctness.
Factor Affecting the Research: Not applicable.
Access Restriction: No access constraints are associated with this data.
Use Restrictions: No use constraints are associated with this data.
Distribution Info:
Organization Name: ARM Archive User Services
Email: armarchive[at]ornl.gov Phone: 1-888-ARM-DATA
Street: Oak Ridge National Laboratory City: Oak Ridge
State: Tennessee Postal: 37831-6290