# Measurement of particulated matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10) using a PM sensor during the SAIL campaign in Mt. Crested Butte, CO Along with the main site (M1), we deployed another PM sensor (Modulair-PM, QuantAQ) to measure the mass concentration of particulate matter (PM) for three size cuts at the supplementary site (S2) of the SAIL from 14 June 2022 to 14 June 2023. The instrument provides the mass concentration of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. Mass concentrations were calculated based on measurements made with a nephelometer and an OPC. We used Quant-AQ's algorithm (Please see their documentation [here](https://zenodo.org/record/7062168/files/QAN-001%20%282022.09%29.pdf) and the references within) to determine the mass concentrations reported. Here, we present the time series of sample relative humidity, temperature, pressure, and the mass concentration of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. We also include the size distribution of the aerosol particles within a diameter range of 0.35 - 40 micron, measured by the OPC. However, we encourage caution while using the size distribution data since it was operated only with the factory calibration. The abstract and a description of the ARM campaign (SAIL Supermicron Bioaerosol: SSB) can be found here : https://www.arm.gov/research/campaigns/amf2022ssb. ## Field Site #### S2: Gunnison, CO; Supplemental Facility 2 - North: 38.898361 - South: 38.898361 - East: -106.94314 - West: -106.94314 ## Authors - [Abu Sayeed Md Shawon](mailto:shawon@lanl.gov) - [Allison C. Aiken](mailto:aikenac@lanl.gov) - [Katherine B. Benedict](mailto:kbenedict@lanl.gov) ## Variables ### File: SAIL_M1_PM.csv `Time_iso`: The sample timestamp in ISO format `sample_rh_pct`: Sample relative humidity in % `sample_temp_C`: Sample temperature in C `sample_pres_mmHg`: Sample pressure in mmHg `pm_1_ug_per_m3`: The PM1 value µg/m3 `pm_25_ug_per_m3`: The PM2.5 value µg/m3 `pm_10_ug_per_m3`: The PM10 value µg/m3 ### File: SAIL_M1_SizeDist.csv `timestamp_iso`: The sample timestamp in ISO format `bin0` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin0 (0.35 - 0.46 µm) `bin1` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin1 (0.46 - 0.66 µm) `bin2` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin2 (0.66 - 1.0 µm) `bin3` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin3 (1.0 - 1.3 µm) `bin4` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin4 (1.3 - 1.7 µm) `bin5` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin5 (1.7 - 2.3 µm) `bin6` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin6 (2.3 - 3.0 µm) `bin7` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin7 (3.0 - 4.0 µm) `bin8` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin8 (4.0 - 5.2 µm) `bin9` : Number of particles per cubic cm in bin9 (5.2 - 6.5 µm) `bin10`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin10 (6.5 - 8.0 µm) `bin11`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin11 (8.0 - 10.0 µm) `bin12`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin12 (10.0 - 12.0 µm) `bin13`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin13 (12.0 - 14.0 µm) `bin14`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin14 (14.0 - 16.0 µm) `bin15`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin15 (16.0 - 18.0 µm) `bin16`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin16 (18.0 - 20.0 µm) `bin17`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin17 (20.0 - 22.0 µm) `bin18`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin18 (22.0 - 25.0 µm) `bin19`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin19 (25.0 - 28.0 µm) `bin20`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin20 (28.0 - 31.0 µm) `bin21`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin21 (31.0 - 34.0 µm) `bin22`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin22 (34.0 - 37.0 µm) `bin23`: Number of particles per cubic cm in bin23 (37.0 - 40.0 µm) ## Documentation [Instrument Documentation](https://zenodo.org/record/7062168/files/QAN-001%20%282022.09%29.pdf) [Instrument Manual](https://docs.quant-aq.com/modulair-pm) ## Acknowlegement - Atmospheric System Research (ASR) for funding